Michael Robbins
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About Me
As a psychotherapist and consultant I bring a depth of expertise to my work that has been sharpened by more than 35 years of clinical experience. The cornerstone of my work is to help you to become both fully present and engaged in every dimension of your life Here and Now, and deeply centered in the Stillness of Being from which all action and creativity springs. To help you to access a free flow of vitality through all levels of your body/mind/spirit and in all of your relationships, I use a variety of modalities, including mindfulness based therapies, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, body oriented psychotherapies, systems oriented therapies, existential / psychoanalytic therapy and interpersonal neurobiology.
I have also studied and taught Taoist energy practices (Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Taoist Meditation) since 1976 and use a variety of ch’i based healing techniques. I work with individuals, couples, and groups and lead workshops and retreats internationally.
In addition to being a psychotherapist, Qi Gong and Taoist meditation teacher, I am also a visual artist, sculptor, movement artist and poet. www.michaelrobbinstherapy.com