Gamophobia is a fear of commitment and marriage. As with many phobias, gamophobia’s name has an interesting etymology. ’Phobia,’ of course, is the fear of something. Meanwhile, ‘gamos,’ is Greek for ‘marriage.’ Thus, gamophobia quite literally translates to ‘fear of marriage.’
Gamophobia is not always quite as simple as someone being afraid of getting married. Its effects can vary depending on the person and their individual situation. There is a bit of nuance involved in the issue, but remember that that is the case with most phobias. Gamophobia is rather straightforward once it’s broken down.
Those with gamophobia can take part in happy and successful long-term relationships. Monogamy is typically not the problem. While the condition is not specifically listed as an independent mental health condition in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, it can be categorified as specific phobia, a class of anxiety disorders in which people experience irrational fear in response to certain objects and situations that pose little or no real danger. Those with gamophobia fear the institution of marriage itself.
Women and men are affected by this fear differently, and the way that society perceives the roles of men and women in marriages can be attributed to this. In fact, people who are afraid to get married may liken the act of marriage to death itself.
For men, the persistence of gamophobia may be partially affected by the way society views men as the providers of the family. There is a lot of pressure put on a man’s shoulders once he gets married, not necessarily by their partner, but by society. It is very possible that for some men, this pressure is just too much.
It seems impossible to live up to the expectations and this manifests itself as a fear of the institution of marriage itself. Societal pressure may not be the only reason for gamophobia, but it seems to play a large part in many people’s reasons as to why they are gamophobic.
Another predisposition to gamophobia is caused by past trauma that someone may have experienced. This is more often the case with women than with men, according to studies done on the subject, although it is impossible to make a blanket statement about how trauma will affect any given person.
A considerable portion of the population grew up with parents who were not married or were married and later got divorced. Witnessing this, especially the stressful divorce process, can be very traumatizing. It is normal for someone who comes from a divorced household to be wary of marriage or long-term relationships as a whole, but when this wariness becomes anxiety towards the idea of marriage and commitment is when someone has moved on to being gamophobic.
Studies have shown that being the child of divorced parents seems to have a much greater effect on women and their long-term relationship habits than it does on men. This results in a two-fold effect. The first is that gamophobic women are simply less likely to seek out long-term, monogamous relationships if they come from a household that experienced a divorce. The second effect is that they may seek out a long-term relationship, but enter this relationship with lower expectations.
They are prepared for their relationships to fail, sometimes even going so far as to expect it, which creates a self-fulfilling prophecy of the relationship failing. It also creates a negative feedback loop, because now that person is more likely to be wary of their next relationship as well. If the cycle continues for too long, this phenomenon can turn into gamophobia, where a woman is simply averse to the idea of marriage or commitment as a whole.
While many people with gamophobia are fearful of marriage and not simply commitment, some have a total fear of long-term relationships, regardless of whether or not it involves marriage. For those suffering from this slightly different form of gamophobia, the idea of even being in a committed relationship turns them off.
Someone suffering from gamophobia may have feelings toward a person romantically, and may even love them, but finding out that the person shares those same feelings and would be interested in pursuing a relationship can cause the gamophobic individual to lose interest. In severe cases of this sort, the brain will not only negate positive feelings towards someone, but it may even actually cause them to start actively disliking the other person, thus sabotaging the chances of a relationship.
Those who suffer very severely might naturally push away people for whom they have romantic feelings because the best way to avoid a committed relationship is to not let anyone close enough for a relationship to develop. In cases this severe, it can be very helpful for someone to seek treatment with a therapist or trained specialist to help them through these feelings. However, people suffering from severe cases of gamophobia are not the only ones who can benefit from treatment. Even those who are experiencing mild symptoms may seek out professional help to help them overcome their fear. Let’s dive into some of the symptoms.
Gamophobia is sometimes compared to the fear of death (thanatophobia) in the way it affects those who suffer from it, particularly in regard to dread. One of the main symptoms of gamophobia is an overwhelming sense of dread at the thought of getting married or being committed. This, much like the sense of dread people feel when facing the realities of life and death, can be all-consuming. Such strong feelings of fear can lead to anxiety, from mild to severe, simply from talking about the subject of marriage.
People who are suffering from gamophobia have reported feeling like they are losing control whenever they are sent into a phobia-related spiral. They can often acknowledge that the fear itself may be irrational, but that does not change the fact that they still suffer because of it. Like many other anxiety-induced ailments, gamophobia can come with a variety of physical symptoms as well.
Physical symptoms of gamophobia can include:
It can be embarrassing for some people to cope with their gamophobia. Suffering from a form of anxiety that is obscure, severe, and oftentimes hard to explain can cause a myriad of problems in day-to-day life. Luckily, treatment is always an option.
There are a few different ways of trying to conquer gamophobia. The first, and most common, is speaking with a therapist. This is the usual method of treatment for anxiety disorders, as therapists can provide tools that someone living with gamophobia wouldn’t otherwise be privy to. Together, someone who is suffering and their therapist may be able to get to the root of the issue.
Common therapy modalities used in the treatment of gamophobia include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), exposure therapy, and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR).
As with most mental health conditions, and anxiety issues in particular, practicing mindfulness can be helpful as well. In some cases, medication is prescribed to help patients deal with their symptoms.
When looking at the prognosis for gamophobia and the potential to conquer it, it’s important to think back to what caused the phobia in the first place. For many people, the cause is that their parents are divorced or remain in an unhappy marriage. A cause for gamophobia can even be that they themselves were in a bad relationship in the past and now the trauma from it manifests as a fear of all relationships. This is normal and therapists are able to help people overcome this with enough time and effort.
For more out-of-the-box treatment methods, someone may try hypnotherapy and see if their brain can quite literally be tricked into no longer fearing marriage or commitment. Someone experiencing gamophobia may also try something like exposure therapy, where they are exposed to happy marriages to show them that it is possible and that if they want to overcome their fear, they can do it. However, the most effective route, much like any form of depression or anxiety, is regular counseling with a licensed professional.
No matter what the cause of gamophobia is, the result is often the same. Someone is overwhelmed at the thought of getting married or being in a committed relationship to the point where it becomes prohibitive. Although not an exceedingly common affliction, gamophobia is both valid and debilitating. On the bright side, if someone is suffering from gamophobia, there are ways to combat it.
Fears are tricky and often irrational, but that doesn’t mean they cannot be overcome. With the right people and resources, gamophobia can be managed and combatted. However, it must be noted that marriage, or even long-term commitment, is not necessary and everyone’s life path looks different. Every case is highly personal, but each can be overcome should you choose to seek treatment.