Therapists in Des Moines, IA and Nearby Locations

Find a therapist in Des Moines, Iowa that meets your needs. Browse our comprehensive list of affordable and licensed therapists in Des Moines to find a professional specializing in counseling people with stress, anxiety, depression, relationship issues, grief, and more.

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In-Person Sessions:

Urbandale, Iowa

Teletherapy for Clients In:


My name is Hallie and I am a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist. I have experience working with children, teens, and adults with various emotional needs. I specialize in treating trauma and have experience working with all ages on processing and...
Susin Bredice
Teletherapy for Clients In:


Making the decision to start therapy can be a very vulnerable time, whether it be for you or your child. In therapy, you will have a safe and judgment-free space to meet your goals. I enjoy working with children and adults to recognize strengths and...
Teletherapy for Clients In:


My primary areas of interest include helping individuals overcome challenges with depression, anxiety, social phobias, low self-esteem, anger issues and overall learning how to effectively manage challenging emotions. Typically, I serve clients...
Liz Kist
In-Person Sessions:

Des Moines, Iowa

Teletherapy for Clients In:


I specialize in anxiety, trauma recovery, depression, and stress management. Every client and couple I work with has their own unique story to share. I take into account the impact life experiences has on one's understanding of themselves, their...
Teletherapy for Clients In:


Currently doing on line sessions only due to COVID 19. Accepting Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance. Feel free to call, email, or register and book your appointment right on line at “new clients” tab. Trying...
Teletherapy for Clients In:


I’m Judy Nemmers. I’ve been a social worker for more than 20 years. Recently I decided to specialize in the treatment of anxiety and OCD, for very personal reasons. My mother, and other family members, have suffered from both. Unfortunately,...
Teletherapy for Clients In:


I have 13 years’ experience in social services, including 7 years engaged in adolescent, adult, couples and family therapy. During that time, I’ve seen first-hand the impact depression, anxiety and trauma can have on child development,...
In-Person Sessions:

Ames, Iowa

Teletherapy for Clients In:


Hello, I am a person-centered and strengths-based counselor. I am trained in Solution Focused Brief Therapy and hypnosis. I specialize in couples counseling and women's issues. I also work with children of all ages and their parents. I have been in...

Finding Licensed Therapists in Des Moines, Iowa

Choosing a therapist can seem like a daunting task. It’s not just a matter of checking that they are available to see new clients, you also need to find out if they are licensed, their specialties, and their treatment approaches. Aside from that, there are also more practical considerations, such as their fees, the hours they are available to hold sessions, the insurance they accept, if any, and much more. However, above all of those considerations is the human element. You must ensure their background, personality, and values are compatible with yours.

Your Options for Working With a Therapist in Des Moines

Finding a therapist in Des Moines that meets your needs also entails making sure you can physically access their services. That means one of two things:

If you are open to working with a therapist via teletherapy sessions, then you have many more providers from which you can choose. If you prefer to meet for traditional, in-office sessions, you need to decide how far away from home you are willing to meet your therapist. If you live in Des Moines, you may decide that you can only meet with therapists within the city limits, even if that means you have a smaller pool of professionals to choose from.

Questions to Ask Yourself When Looking for a Therapist

You can save yourself some time and confusion by first thinking about what kind of help might best suit you and your condition. If you can communicate and describe the outcomes you are looking for, it may help narrow down for you the types of services that will help you the most. Also, understanding your preferences may lead you to find a professional that is best suited to your personality. A few questions that you might want to start with are:

  • What problems or conditions are you seeing a professional for?
  • What is the result you are hoping to get out of therapy?
  • Are you more comfortable speaking with a man or a woman about your history and problems?
  • What type of time commitment can you make to the process?
  • Is there a specific medical condition you are dealing with that may best be addressed by a specialist (for example substance abuse)?

There are many other aspects that you may want to consider but this is a good place to start. The objective of this exercise is to get to know more about the circumstances under which you may respond best to the therapeutic process. It can be challenging to face these issues, so having a supportive environment that is tailored to you can help greatly.

Will Your Health Insurance Pay?

We suggest getting in touch with your provider to find out if they will cover all or some of the cost of your mental health services. Many insurance companies have a list of preferred professionals that they work with. Selecting someone on this list may lower the out-of-pocket costs for you.

Getting Started

Our therapist directory includes filters to help you find therapists in Des Moines based on your preferences and criteria. The therapists listed here are licensed professionals who work with clients in Des Moines. They are subject to all applicable confidentiality regulations for mental health professionals and can be reached using the contact information they’ve provided on their profiles.