Therapists in Loveland, CO and Nearby Locations

Find a therapist in Loveland, Colorado that meets your needs. Browse our comprehensive list of affordable and licensed therapists in Loveland, to find a professional specializing in counseling people with stress, anxiety, depression, relationship issues, grief, and more.

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Teletherapy for Clients In:


We all have moments when we struggle with our emotions whether we are struggling with grief, depression, anxiety, trauma, relationships, job stress, spiritual conflicts and more. Ultimately, my motivation and dedication is to help others become...
In-Person Sessions:

Littleton, Colorado

Teletherapy for Clients In:


Jana Briggs Counseling LLC & Associates is located in Littleton, Colorado. Jana & the Associate Team partner with individuals, couples and families who are experiencing difficulty resolving interpersonal and personal problems, making decisions...
Teletherapy for Clients In:


I have been a licensed clinical social worker since 2009 and a health coach since 2011. I work with clients who want a holistic, integrative approach to brain health and overall wellness. I incorporate neuroscience, spirituality, mindfulness,...
Scott Olds
Registered psychotherapist
Teletherapy for Clients In:


Scott provides couples counseling and individual counseling in Arvada (West Denver) and Boulder, Colorado. Specialties include couple's communication skills and work with anxiety, depression, illness, and grief. He also enjoys working with Highly...
Nataeah Barron
In-Person Sessions:

Fort Collins, Colorado

Teletherapy for Clients In:


I am a Marriage/Family therapist and an Addictions Counselor that can counsel my clients individually, as a family, and/or with any intimate relationship. I enjoy exploring your life path and figuring out what you want to focus on therapeutically. I...
In-Person Sessions:

Arvada, Colorado

Everyone's journey towards healing and wholeness is different. I view the body, emotions and thoughts/beliefs as a whole to address trauma, depression, anxiety, eating disorders and life transitions. I will help you to resolve trauma and free up...
In-Person Sessions:

Denver, Colorado

Shawn Trueman, M.A., LPCC, NCC I am a Board Certified, Licensed Professional Counselor Candidate (LPCC.0015911) as well as a former pastor with over 20 years of ministry and counseling experience. I received a Master’s degree in Clinical Mental...
Cathy Wilson
In-Person Sessions:

Littleton, Colorado

Evidence based therapies
In-Person Sessions:

Boulder, Colorado

Through my practice at Inner Rhythm Counseling, I will work to inspire you to befriend yourself and empower you to change by helping you understand your deepest truths and strengths. As a somatic and trauma based therapist, our work will go beyond...
Becky Howie
In-Person Sessions:

Boulder, Colorado

Teletherapy for Clients In:


Becky believes that all humans are works in progress, and as such, we sometimes get lost or detoured along the way. Whether you are trying to numb pain, recover from a sudden unexpected change, or actively pursue personal transformation, seeking...
Shari Johansson
In-Person Sessions:

Lakewood, Colorado

Teletherapy for Clients In:


Shari Y. Johansson (MA, LPC, NCC, BCN, QEEG-D) is a licensed professional counselor. Since 1993, Shari has been involved in counseling dedicated to encouraging women and men to live fully by design in deep relationship with God and others. Areas of...
In-Person Sessions:

Brighton, Colorado

Teletherapy for Clients In:


Hello, My name is Angela Clemons. I have been a counselor since 2008, in Arkansas and in Colorado. I have experience working with a variety of families and areas of focus. Some of these include relationships, grief, trauma recovery, families,...
Karen Midyet
Psy.D., MA
In-Person Sessions:

Wheat Ridge, Colorado

Teletherapy for Clients In:


I work with individuals with multiple medical problems, aging, relationship issues try to help them re-create their life as they get older. Stress, depression, and reducing stress is my specialty. I help future retirees find purpose and clarity in...
Melanie Morris
In-Person Sessions:

Littleton, Colorado

Finding someone to assist you on your journey to peace and happiness can be challenging. I am here to help. I have training in addictions and professional counseling. I have experience working with co-occurring disorders. I've work with individuals,...
Teletherapy for Clients In:


Hello - I am accepting new referrals during the quarantine and offer online sessions. Please reach out for a free consultation. I specialize in couples counseling. Since 1999, I have helped couples resolve conflicts and create close and loving...
Laura Garrett
Teletherapy for Clients In:

Colorado, Washington

Laura Garrett is a Licensed Professional Counselor in the state of Colorado and Washington, a National Certified Counselor and Certified Addictions Counselor in Fort Collins Colorado. She has over 20 years of experience working with individuals,...
Carol O’Dowd
MPA, M.Div., RP
In-Person Sessions:

Arvada, Colorado

Teletherapy for Clients In:


Carol O’Dowd, MPA, M.Div., RP, Prajna Healing Arts President, Colorado Association of Psychotherapists Carol uses western and eastern approaches to support adults on their journey through transitions and to ‘restory’ their trauma, anxiety and...
Adriana Balentine
In-Person Sessions:

Boulder, Colorado

Teletherapy for Clients In:


Adriana believes that humans are extremely resilient and have an amazing ability to overcome some of life’s most difficult obstacles. She values the ability to connect and support one another when support and guidance is needed. Therapy is a...
Teletherapy for Clients In:


Steven Fisher, L.P.C., earned a Masters degree in Counseling in 1992. He has over 25 years of experience with individual, family and group counseling with parents, families, adolescents and children. He also has training and experience in Montessori...
In-Person Sessions:

Boulder, Colorado

Teletherapy for Clients In:


I enjoy supporting adults and young people to achieve their goals, to have a joyful life. Helping find out what would be their ideal life situation. If you are dealing with difficulties, whether is Transitions, Relationships, Family - Couple...
In-Person Sessions:

Fort Collins, Colorado

Teletherapy for Clients In:


Welcome and thank you for your interest in learning more about my practice. I believe in continuous improvement and growth personally and as a therapist. I love to learn, grow, and know about things (see below, I am always in trainings!). I love...
Teletherapy for Clients In:


My passion is to help you become deeply intimate with yourself and access the flow of creative potential within you. ​Since 2008, when I was introduced to meditation and the work of Chögyam Trungpa, I have been deeply committed to a path of...
Teletherapy for Clients In:


Wendy Gossett, M. Ed. is a Parenting and Relationship Specialist based in Denver, Colorado. She helps parents understand their children at a deeper level by using temperament psychology and neuroscience. She has been featured as an expert on...
In-Person Sessions:

Littleton, Colorado

Greetings! My name is Eric. I originally come from the Chicago area but I moved to Denver back in 1993. I currently reside in Englewood. I share custody of a smart, brave, beautiful and silly little girl. That’s right, it turns out that therapists...

Finding Mental Health Professionals in Loveland, CO

Looking for a therapist, counselor, or psychologist in Loveland can be a time-consuming and challenging task. You should remember several considerations when starting this process that will help guide you to a better decision.

Therapist Specialties

If you just need the support of a professional to work through some minor issues, then you can choose a therapist without being particular about their areas of expertise. But if you need help with a specific mental health condition, such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, OCD, phobias, or eating disorders, or if you’re looking for relationship or family counseling, then you should ideally find a Loveland therapist specializing in these areas.

In addition to the conditions they treat, some therapists focus on working with specific age groups. If you’re looking for a therapist in Loveland for your young child or teenager, you should seek out a professional who’s qualified to work with those age groups.

Treatment Modalities

Most therapists prefer specific treatment approaches with their patients over others. These can include cognitive behavioral therapy, psychodynamic psychotherapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, and exposure therapy, just to name a few.

Some patients research these treatment options online or consult with friends and decide for themselves which one they need. While you should ideally let the professional decide on the right modality for you, if you find that there are many suitable therapists in Loveland from which to choose, you can narrow down the list based on the treatment modalities you prefer.

Personal Characteristics of the Therapist

You may prefer to work with a therapist in Loveland who speaks a second language that you speak, shares your religious beliefs, or is of a certain gender, race, or ethnicity. Finding a therapist who shares your values or personal experiences may help you open up more quickly and have better chemistry with them.

Session Types

If you need that in-person, face-to-face therapy experience, then you’ll want a professional counselor in Loveland who sees clients in an office. But if you prefer the convenience of working with someone who offers teletherapy sessions via videoconferencing or phone, there are plenty of therapists who provide remote sessions.

If you are not satisfied with the selection of therapists in Loveland, you may want to consider teletherapy even if it’s not your first choice, as any licensed therapist in Colorado may legally work with you.

Getting Started with a Therapist in Loveland, CO

Our therapist directory includes filters to help you find therapists in Loveland, Colorado based on your criteria, including those listed above. The therapists listed here are licensed professionals who work with clients in Loveland. They are subject to all applicable confidentiality regulations for mental health professionals and can be reached using the contact information they’ve provided on their profiles.