Kevin Cannella
Kevin Cannella
Kevin Cannella

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About Me

“Is my life reflecting who I really am?” Adulthood is a barrage of responsibilities. Your career. Your relationship. Family, health, personal satisfaction. Finding the right balance is complicated. Especially when we aren’t really sure what we really want. Society, culture, and family often have their own ideas of the life you “should” be living. But what about YOU? What is the life that YOU want for yourself? Even when you have clarity about what you want, then what about actually getting it? These are difficult questions to navigate and address. Often, it is easier to pour a glass of wine and put on Netflix.

If this sounds like you, then let's set up a consultation. I'm a therapist that specializes in helping others to address these questions at the core of our lives. How to get through today? How to figure out who I am and what I want? And how to build a life I want? I know the struggle and have been there myself.

It's time to let old patterns die. You know - the ones that haven't been working for years now. Call or email me today to set up a free consultation. We will map out your struggles and identify where you'd like to be. From there, it's just a matter of showing up - for yourself and for your life.

My Location

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