Angelica Acevedo
Angelica Acevedo
(617) 312-8563
Angelica Acevedo

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About Me

Hello! My name is Angelica Acevedo, LICSW, MBA, I go by “Toni”. I am a licensed clinical social worker with 16+ clinical years experience working with all age groups including couples, families and individuals. I am Latina, speak Spanish fluently and provide CBT, family systems, client centered approach therapy. I pride myself in this wonderful field of therapy to guide you to reaching your fullest potential mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

I am proud GLBT 🏳️‍🌈 therapist myself and pride myself in helping couples and individuals process many components privy to GLBT. Be blessed always and reach for the stars!

My Location

static image of 27 Congress Street, Suite 205-19, Salem, Massachusetts
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