Briana Lefman
Briana Lefman
(858) 859-1391
Briana Lefman

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About Me

I help you connect to the 'why' behind your patterns, your pain, anger, avoidance, and dysfunction. I help you shift from anger to understanding. I'll help make sense of it. I'll teach you how to identify what you've been living without. I'll teach you tools that help you with the who/what/where/when/why of you.

I work with women who struggle with finding inner peace. You know that pit we get in our stomachs and throats? (It's our avoidance to face our unresolved stuff; it feels scary and overwhelming). Think of how much you're carrying around. Imagine finally, not feeling it any longer. I can help you heal your trauma without re-living it.

My Location

static image of 197 Woodland Parkway, Suite 104 #802, San Marcos, California
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