Christina Carrick
Christina Carrick
(404) 242-3395
Christina Carrick

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About Me

I am available to hold video sessions via telehealth and phone during this stressful, scary, and uncertain time.
"It's a privilege to be able to bear witness to someone's story when they may not have had the chance to tell it before." - Lindy Alexander. I believe in the celebration of baby steps, because they lead to growth, evolving, and newfound strength. I provide a space absent of judgment, and full of empathy. Are you a parent struggling to understand your child's feelings and behaviors? I can provide space for both parenting strategies and the child's expression of emotions through play. Are you an adult struggling with difficult life stressors and transitions? I can provide the emotional space necessary for clarity and peace.

I have worked in a variety of settings, including hospitals and schools. And have worked with an array of different clinical issues, including teen mothers, at-risk youth, and adults with severe mental illness. I have extensive experience with special education, parenting, behavior difficulties with children, trauma, and grief.
I recognize how difficult it can be in reaching out for help when you've hit your limit. Because who comes here when everything's great, right? I would be honored to share that vulnerable space with you and aid you in your journey to peace within.

My Location

static image of 108 East Ponce de Leon Avenue, Suite 204, Decatur, Georgia
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