Christy Bakker
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About Me
As a fellow traveler on life’s journey, I am thankful for the experiences, faith and training I’ve received which I offer to clients of all ages and life stages. I have a broad range of cross cultural experiences from work as an intern in a group home for troubled youth, counseling and ministry with the underserved, managing a wilderness program, directing a mentoring ministry for teen moms and providing chaplain services in a hospital and also for residents in assisted living -not to mention being a wife, mother and now grandmother. My training in psychology at Southern Methodist University, and my Masters from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary as well as continued education throughout the years provided me with the tools to integrate psychology and spirituality which I offer from a Christian perspective. As a therapist, I strive to extend a relationship of unconditional caring in which people can safely explore the difficulties in their lives. As the tangles of life become unraveled in the counseling process, clients have the opportunity to find holistic healing, transforming hope, and strong handles for going forward with greater confidence and joy.
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