David Awdish

David Awdish


Online Sessions

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About Me

Hi, I’m Cole!

I’m a counselor and psychotherapist, but you might also call me a witness to your story, or a cheerleader for your change.

(I love watching the changes happen in your life.)

I help people who long to feel at peace, who want to be authentic with their emotions and who want to connect with their partners and friends, but feel suffocated by the stranglehold of fear and trauma of their past.I support you as you encounter the fear with compassion and kindness so that you can be more real in your life and present with your loved ones.

I know from 5 fulfilling years as a counselor that your tenacity and desire for change, coupled with compassionate encouragement will help you get past your past. I have seen countless clients weave change into their lives through learning with kindness.

I have struggled with the stranglehold of fear and anxiety.

I know that safety and connection are keys to change. I use my own emotional work as a guide to help me be present, connected and kind in session. My clients appreciate my frank, kind approach. I’m not here to smile and nod. When you’re challenged, you can thrive.

From the first appointment, as we begin developing goals, and continuing on as a theme, you will be able to see how connection to what is important in your life can help you get clearer on your choices. Compassion for yourself will help you be inspired to grow.

I believe that compassion will change the world. I believe that I can help you hold compassionate space for yourself. That’s why I hope you schedule a free consultation today.

The formal stuff
I am licensed with the state of Colorado as a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) 13328. I am certified in EMDR, and have worked with adults in individual and group therapy, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) models. I have 2 years of experience working as a Crisis Therapist, completing assessments for safety of adults, teens, children and the community. I have 4 years of experience as a Case Manager of a treatment facility for at-risk youth, and more than 3 years of experience with the direct care of adolescents in residential treatment.

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