Dr. Bruce Levine
Dr. Bruce Levine
(323) 417-2325
Dr. Bruce Levine

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About Me

Dr. Levine is one of the only Board-Certified Clinical Psychologists in Los Angeles/Beverly Hills. After a Ph.D. from Hofstra University in New York, he completed a 2-year Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) at Temple University School of Medicine in Philadelphia. In the past, he served as the Chief Psychologist at Mt Sinai South Nassau Medical Center and as a Clinical Psychologist at the UCLA School of Medicine in Los Angeles.

Dr. Levine has also served on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Behavior Therapy & Experimental Psychiatry and worked as Clinical Psychologist for the hit TV series "Hoarders" on the A&E Television Network.

My Location

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