Ellen Hartson
Ellen Hartson
(440) 840-5619
Ellen Hartson

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About Me

Ellen has 30 years of experience working with clients. Her style is more coaching than therapy. The pillars of her work are:
- You have all of the answers inside of you. I can show you how to uncover your blocks to find them.
- Your thoughts create all of your feelings, which drive your actions, which drive your results. If you want different results in an area of your life, you have to learn how to think differently. I will teach you how to do this.
- Your feelings are meant to be felt. All of them. Even the difficult ones. Many problems in life come from buffering against our feelings with overeating, over-drinking, drug use, sex and relationship addiction, etc. I will teach you how to stop buffering and be present in your life.

My Location

static image of 33595 Bainbridge Road, Suite 103, Solon, Ohio
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