Emily Crawford-Thompson
Emily Crawford-Thompson
(573) 818-7010
Emily Crawford-Thompson

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About Me

Emily Crawford-Thompson, Ph.D. is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist who specializes in Psychological Evaluations with teens (ages 16 and up) and adults, including those who wish to be evaluated for possible Autism Spectrum Disorder. With over 12 years’ experience administering over 1500 comprehensive psychological evaluations, Dr. Emily is well known in Columbia, Missouri as a trusted and compassionate psychologist with impeccable work that both providers and clients respect. She is trained in the ADOS-2 (Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule), MIGDAS-2, and other measures to assess Autism Spectrum Disorder.

She also does comprehensive psychological evaluations to determine diagnoses and treatment recommendations for a range of issues including Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Learning Disorders, IQ testing, and the range of mood, anxiety, and thought disorders. Also bariatric, pain, and transplant evals.

Evaluations include a comprehensive, detailed, and strengths-based report. Dr. Crawford-Thompson also provides individual counseling and group counseling, and she offers workshops for CEs for other mental health providers on a variety of topics including Cognitive Processing Therapy for PTSD, assessment in counseling, and autism in adults.

For more information, please check out my website https://columbiapsychology.com/

My Location

static image of 1900 North Providence Road, Suite 327, Columbia, Missouri
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