Erin Harrison
Erin Harrison
(857) 273-1383
Erin Harrison

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About Me

As a Licensed Mental Health Counselor with over fifteen years of working with individuals, groups, and families, Erin believes that healing can come through the development of mindfulness, in the empowering of ourselves through self-awareness, the constructive exploring of our relationships with others, and taking the time to create peace and clarity in this complex chaotic world. During sessions, Erin aims to provide an environment for you to reconnect to your joy, feel whole versus disjointed, and seek to create a balance between challenge and kindness for yourself.

Helping others use their own strengths to empower themselves has been a lifelong passion for Erin. Along with education from Binghamton University, Boston College, and Northeastern University, she has had extensive experience working with relationship issues, parenting, anxiety, stress management, adjustment, grief or loss, and trauma.

Erin recognizes that reaching out to begin this journey is a brave and important step and is aware of the privilege it would be to accompany you.

My Location

static image of 185 Devonshire Street, Suite 701, Boston, Massachusetts
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