Jacob Donnelly
Jacob Donnelly
(510) 982-6836
Jacob Donnelly

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About Me

Whether you want to get support around new changes in your life that are causing you pain and worry, or work through problems that have been with you for years, my goal is to help you feel relief, feel empowered, and adjust to the things that are out of your control. I take an open, non-judgmental approach to working with my clients. Prior to private practice, I was the Clinical Director at a San Francisco non-profit serving veterans. I enjoy working with adults, older adults, older teens (16+) and couples. I completed UCLA's prestigious social work program, and I have over 10 years of experience as a therapist and supervising therapists in our work to help people feel understood, supported, and make changes in their lives. I have specific training around depression, substance use, relationship and workplace issues, anxiety, trauma, chronic illness, chronic pain, veterans' issues, and much more.

My Location

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