Jan Covyeau
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About Me
Do you find the relationships in your life lacking connection? Relationships can make life worth living or they can make your life challenging. Whether it is a marriage that isn't going well, a parent/child relationship that never seems to work or you find yourself repeating past mistakes over and over again; sometimes all we need is a little help in understanding how to move forward in new ways. I use an individualized approach to gain an understanding of how communication patterns, blocks and self-defeating behaviors began.
I am a Registered Associate with an M.A. in Marriage and Family Therapy from the College of Psychology and Counseling at Hope International University. Prior to becoming a therapist, I worked in the corporate world over 25 years in the areas of education, sales, finance and most recently adoption. I discovered my passion for helping others in my role of Adoption Adviser within the emotionally charged adoption process. It is this passion and my own life challenges, healing and personal growth that served as the catalyst in my pursuit of becoming a therapist.
Entering this field later in life provided me with invaluable personal experiences that played a key role in helping me to understand my clients and many of the issues they face. I enjoy utilizing my training, experience and humor to help clients gain a new perspective on themselves and their relationships. We all possess the ability and strength to heal from our pain. It would be my privilege to work with you in designing a life of balance and fulfillment.
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