Jennifer Hillier
LPC 172
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About Me
Thinking about therapy? Need guidance so, you are not alone, in the dark searching aimlessly for answers and solutions through blogs, chat-rooms and self-help books; trying to discover the right questions, let alone, the answers.
Counseling provides a welcoming environment that facilitates awareness and self-discovery. A safe place where you are free to express your true authentic self, free from judgement. So, you can concentrate and focus on you without outside distraction, from society, work, friends and family; the best part is, its confidential!
There are various reasons why people seek counseling. For some, there a specific reason, such as, wanting to address past or recent events that is or has impacted their lives negatively. Some people come to counseling simply to take a close look at themselves to get a deeper and better understanding about themselves; There is no need to define a particular issue to make use of counseling. I work with individuals who normally present well, whose problems are not immediately apparent to others, and are now finding it hard to hold it all together.
My approach:
I believe that conquering life challenges is where real growth occurs. My mission is to help you cope with and resolve your problems; so you will no longer need counseling. By helping you to uncover the root of your unhappiness and revealing the true the source behind your stress, pain, resentments, and frustrations. The ultimate goal, is to set a plan into motion, that creates positive sustainable changes, and realistic expectations that generate solutions that can be put into practice in your everyday life.
My compassionate nature, unique life experiences, and professional training; naturally allows me to provide you with guidance in a welcoming causal safe environment that free you from outside pressure and judgement, allowing you the freedom express their true authentic self, and most importantly, you get to determine the direction of therapy.
Your journey your own, but you are not alone. Whether you are motivated, contemplating change, or having difficulty moving forward, as your counselor, I am with you every step of the way to help and support your journey by assisting you in recognizing your strength, developing coping skills needed to overcome your current and futures concerns, and most importantly, by helping you recognize and identify the discrepancy between your present behavior and future goals.
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