Jessica Maraiano
Jessica Maraiano
(517) 481-2133
Jessica Maraiano

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About Me

My goal as a therapist is to help the client reach your potential to become that person who they truly want to be. I create an environment of empowerment and strength for each client as they explore ways to promote their most healthy self. I focus on your needs and what unique solutions will help you seek your best self through many different trusted therapy techniques. I explore the passions of each client and build a holistic approach to help them create ways to support and empower their journey. I believe in creating a holistic approach that results in a strong and confident client.

I began my journey as a therapist working with individuals in crisis through suicide, sexual assault, or other forms of trauma and have spent the last five years working with individuals who needed treatment through an inpatient hospitalization. I have provided Trauma-Informed Trainings and education on LGBTQ+ issues to other mental health therapists, counselors, social workers, and Kent County Law Enforcement. I have been on a panel for the movie “Hope Bridge” bringing awareness to suicide prevention, multiple published interviews including Kent County School District about our youth and mental health and the Grand Rapids Woman’s Magazine about the need for wellness around the holidays and encouraging women to promote their most health lifestyle. I continue to provide trainings on Trauma-Informed Care in the Lansing and Kent County areas and debriefings for individuals, companies, and groups working through intense or traumatic events.

I am co-founder of a non-profit called A Way Out where we empower and educate children/adolescents and their care provider(s) on the signs and symptoms of sexual abuse with the hope of stopping further victimization. Most recently I have begun working with the Human Trafficking Task Force and completed my training as a facilitator to educate with the hope of eradicating Human Trafficking. I also completed the three tier training for Star Behavioral Health Providers to work with veterans, service members, and their families. Finally, am the Capital Regional Ambassador for Michigan Mental Health Counselors Association an organization committed to develop and empower the mental health counseling profession and promote mental health for the community.

My Location

static image of 4572 Hagadorn Road, Suite 1C, East Lansing, Michigan
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