Karen Rosas
Karen Rosas
Karen Rosas

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About Me

We know there are things in life of which we have no control, but where we do have some control is in our responses to those things - even if it feels like we don't. Many times we just don't know how. My clients have trauma-related issues that have caused them ongoing problems. Traumas may be from childhood or from events experienced as an adult. Unresolved trauma masks itself in a variety of troubling ways. You may feel anxious, depressed, emotionally detached, easily overwhelmed, or you may even have suicidal thoughts or substance abuse, just to name a few. You may even question whether or not what you've experienced is "trauma".

In addition to being a clinically licensed practitioner, I am also a certified trauma professional. I specialize in trauma, grief, and resiliency. My methods involve resolving issues of trauma and grief and building resiliency.

While I believe that our own experiences impact who we are and how we relate to the world, I also believe our resiliency plays a major role - and resiliency can be learned and strengthened at almost any age.

My Location

static image of 3090 Vineville Avenue, Macon, Georgia
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