Kathleen Niblack
Kathleen Niblack
(405) 607-2995
Kathleen Niblack

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About Me

Kathleen Niblack is the owner of Cobblestone Counseling Services, LLC. She has a B.A. in Psychology and M.Ed in Community Counseling from the University of Central Oklahoma. She has more than 25 years of experience helping people in need.

Ms. Niblack is a Licensed Professional Counselor. Her experience has also included case management, disability examiner, and senior vocational rehabilitation counselor for the state of Oklahoma.

Ms. Niblack specializes in helping individuals with anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and relaxation techniques. Her team is devoted to helping those in need with attentive guidance and comforting care.

My Location

static image of 10400 Vineyard Road, Suite H200, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
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