Krystal Fortney
Krystal Fortney
(901) 827-7956
Krystal Fortney

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About Me

Krystal Fortney is a licensed professional counselor with a designation in mental health for the state of Tennessee; she is a National Certified Counselor, and a Mandatory Pre-Screening Agent. Krystal received her Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and her Master’s Degree in Mental Health Counseling from Tennessee Technological University. She has an extensive background in supporting individuals with Co-Occurring Diagnoses, treatment of substance use addictions, and providing therapy for people who are diagnosed with severe mental health disorders.

Krystal is an innovative and knowledgeable professional, who truly dedicates herself to each person she counsels. She inspires and encourages each one of her clients to become the best versions of themselves through motivation, self-reflection and work. She’s not your typical therapist, as she’s well versed with the culture, while being empathetic and understanding of your life challenges. Krystal enjoys working with young adults and has a special niche for counseling those who are experiencing their first episode of psychosis. Krystal also has strong focus on helping individuals in the African-American community. If you’re ready to gain the knowledge and tools needed to slay life’s giants, then you’ve reached the right place!

My Location

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