Larry Goodman
Larry Goodman
(760) 766-1622
Larry Goodman

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About Me

Welcome to my practice.

I offer Individual Counseling and Psychotherapy for men and women and specialize in Relationship Coaching and Couples Counseling.

If you are frustrated and hurt because you realize:

• you are repeating  unsatisifying relationships
• you feel "ignored" "put down: or are "not good enough"
• you have to "walk on eggshells" or fear confrontation in your relationship

then perhaps it is time to discover that you can change and begin to improve your life.
I create a safe, caring and supportive environment where it is possible to learn about yourself and discover how to live the life you want.

I use Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and offer insight into why we think and act the way we do so that if that is not working for you, you can change.

In addition, I also offer child and teen counseling and family therapy. For more information on counseling for teens and children and their families, see

My Location

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