LaVendee Fulton
LaVendee Fulton
(517) 481-2133
LaVendee Fulton

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About Me

The inherent dignity and worth of every individual are guiding principles in the advocacy and counseling support I’ve helped develop with p­­eople for over 25 years. Challenges we all encounter can overwhelm our regular functioning and cause pain that distracts and obscures access to genuine joy and plans we all have for our best selves and relationships. Using evidence-based practices and focusing on self-determination, I listen and assist individuals with stabilizing their day-to-day functioning so they can plan and get closer to where they want to be in life and their relationships.

I began here in East Lansing at the Listening Ear as a Crisis and Sexual Assault Counselor while in graduate school, and still sincerely value active listening and problem-solving. I’m a licensed clinical social worker, certified Michigan teacher and academic consultant. I’ve primarily worked with adults and youth in both clinical, high school and post-secondary settings.

My Location

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