Liam Brown
Liam Brown
(203) 293-0299
Liam Brown

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About Me

I'm Liam, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in the Logan Square neighborhood of Chicago where I offer individual therapy appointments. I primarily use the methods of Strengths Based, Client-Driven, and Person-Centered talk therapy. I believe that the experts on the inner workings of people's lives are themselves and additionally within each and every person is the capacity and desire for personal and social growth. My job in this account is assisting you in finding pathways to solutions around what may be blocking you from reaching an enriched life.
Everybody's life is wildly different; I have had the most effective results in providing specific attention and care to tailoring therapy for each client I have served. I can assist you in your decision and achievement of treatment goals that ring truest to you, even if that goal is just having someone to talk to.
Wanting a better quality of life and seeking guidance in that is totally normal. Frankly, reaching out for help in and of itself is terrifying; let alone help from a stranger on the internet. If you are struggling I would be glad to hear from you. Feel free to peruse my website for contact information and to avoid phone tag I am most accessible via e-mail.

My Location

static image of 3021 North Milwaukee Avenue, Suite A, Chicago, Illinois