Maryam Kubasek
Maryam Kubasek
(513) 226-9538
Maryam Kubasek

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About Me

To help my clients thrive, I incorporate several theoretical orientations in my practice—frequently with a focus on mindfulness-based theories such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Mindfulness-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. I employ an interpersonal process approach, believing that the here and now relationship between counselor and client is as important as theoretical orientation. I also believe it is essential to respect and honor the client’s dignity and autonomy as a person while at the same time using my training and skills to help them sort through whatever brings them into the counseling process.

My Calling as a Counselor and Coach
Counseling is a second career for me, but I knew it was the right fit because I love helping people get unstuck. I know what it is like to feel like the wheels have come off your wagon and you are stuck in a ditch. It is a privilege to come alongside clients and empower and assist them in repairing the wheels and getting back on the road.

My Location

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