Matthew Rosen
Matthew Rosen
(845) 213-8761
Matthew Rosen

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About Me

I am a New York State licensed psychologist who has provided psychotherapy and psychological testing services to children, adolescents, and adults for over 35 years. During that time, I have developed a particular interest and expertise in working with hypersensitive children with anxiety and mood disorders and in the differential diagnosis of ADHD and Bipolar Disorder.

As a child psychologist who has treated over 2000 children and adolescents during my career, I have had many patients come to me with a diagnosis of ADHD. More often than not, a thorough psychological evaluation, which typically involves an in-depth interview and psychological testing, reveals an underlying anxiety or mood disorder and not ADHD. As there are many overlapping symptoms in ADHD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and Bipolar Disorder, misdiagnosis can occur quite frequently.

In working with children and adolescents, I have found that the establishment of a strong therapeutic connection and accurate diagnosis are the keys to providing effective treatment. A strong therapeutic connection can only be established in an atmosphere of mutual trust, understanding, and respect, where children are made to feel important and are taken seriously. With such a connection, people can be inspired to think differently, which can then lead to longer lasting behavioral changes. The process of connection can also help foster greater depth of understanding, accuracy of perception, and clarity of vision, leading to an enhanced sense of control, more effective problem solving, and an overall sense of well-being.

My Location

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