Melissa Douglass
Melissa Douglass
(855) 524-5222
Melissa Douglass

Melissa Douglass


Online Sessions

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About Me

You appear to others to have it all together, but inside you are falling apart. You go through life with a smile on your face supporting others, waiting for someone to notice you're not really okay. You cope by working hard at work and/or school; but when praised for your success you still feel less than and like an imposter. Behind the mask, you're secretly insecure, overwhelmed, and unsure how many more things you can add to your to-do list before you just lose it. It's time to look within, define "happiness" for yourself, and create a new normal.

At Goal Driven Counseling, we specialize in working individuals experiencing challenging life transitions and mental health concerns completely online. Alongside you as the driver, we explore strategies and tools to help you feel more in control. Free of guilt or shame, we're here to be a non-judgmental ear while offering guidance, support, and a safe space.

No need to figure out if we're close enough or squeeze travel time into your schedule. Sessions are offered through secure video conferencing that's extremely user friendly, and you can choose which licensed clinician you think would best fit you. Visit our website and let's put YOU at the top of your to-do list! Insurance accepted in Missouri only

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