Melissa Lester
Melissa Lester
(404) 948-6981
Melissa Lester

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About Me

My journey took me down several paths before I realized my love of connecting with others and building relationships was the common thread weaving all of my jobs together. I took a leap of faith and turned my passion into a career that I am both humbled by and love. As a Mindfulness-Based Psychotherapist, I believe in the innate capacity for people to heal, grow, develop greater self-understanding, find meaning, and realize a more authentic self.

While continuing my work as a psychotherapist, I began exploring other types of work that would be complimentary and beneficial to the healing process. I discovered another way for me to hold space for others and help them find healing, by utilizing the universal energy that exists within all of us. I am grateful to be able to offer Reiki and other types of energy medicine for those who are interested in working with their life force energy in various ways that are aligned with their wellness journey.

My Location

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