Melissa Morais Parr
Melissa Morais Parr
(858) 367-0821
Melissa Morais Parr

Melissa Morais Parr


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About Me

Parenting challenges you in ways you could have never imagined. When you add in all of life’s demands sometimes it can just feel too much.

Whether you are a new parent or a seasoned parent, you’ve been struggling for awhile or feeling like you’re just starting to get off-track, I’m here to help.

Hi, I’m Melissa Morais Parr, a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist in the state of California. I am also a mom to two kids and a wife.

I specialize in providing therapy to parents who are struggling with their parenting, postpartum anxiety & depression, life stressors, and relationship concerns. You can learn more about my therapy services here.

I utilize a mindfulness approach within my therapy to assist you in connecting back to the person you were and the parent you want to be. I understand that your time is limited. My services are supportive and action-based. I'll provide you tools and strategies to help you reach your goals.

My Location

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