Michael Parker
Michael Parker
Michael Parker

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About Me

I am a therapist in the Pittsburgh area, specializing in the treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, anxiety, and OC Spectrum Disorders. I have received extensive training in ERP and CBT treatment through attending the General, Pediatric, and Advanced BTTI trainings offered by the International OCD Foundation. These trainings provide cutting edge instruction on the treatment of OCD and OC Spectrum Disorders by some of the most established experts in the field. I received my Bachelor’s Degree from Penn State University and my Master’s Degree from Portland State University in Portland, Oregon. I have over 20 years of experience in various mental health settings, including the Pediatric OCD Intensive Outpatient Program in Pittsburgh, The Portland State University Counseling Center, the mobile mental health crisis team of Portland, Oregon, an intensive parent training program in Brooklyn, NY, and my private practice. I am a member of the International OCD Foundation and the National Association of Social Workers. I first started the Center for OCD and Anxiety in order to help meet demand for quality OCD treatment in Pittsburgh. It is my hope that those struggling with OCD can realize that they don’t have to suffer, and that help is available.

My Location

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