Michelle Pellin
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About Me
Welcome! I am open and affirming to all adults and adolescents. My office is physically challenged accessible, as I believe all should have equal opportunities. Busy schedule or travel issues? I also offer Telehealth! I practice Holistic Psychotherapy, helping you connect your past events to your present day behaviors, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, helping you turn your negative thoughts into positive ones, and Acceptance Commitment Therapy, which helps you accept the present moment for what it is. Talk Therapy is also important to purge our feeIings.
I hold two masters degrees: Behavioral Medicine/Health Psychology, and Human Services/Counseling. I was a licensed therapeutic foster parent for twenty years through the DCF. I also worked as a case manager for seven years fighting for the rights of my acquired brain injured and elder clients, and have a certification in brain injury (CBIS). lings in a safe space, while learning strategies.
Past experiences have brought you to your present situations. You are always in charge of your own therapy experience, and I will assist you in reaching your goals My office is a safe space for you to feel heard. If you are home bound, you may qualify for home visits. Allow me to help you find a better, more peaceful place in your life.
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