Natasha Young
Natasha Young
(573) 340-5057
Natasha Young

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About Me

Natasha is a board-certified art therapist and licensed professional counselor in Columbia, MO serving clients that seek therapy for a variety of reasons ranging from mental health needs, to purposes of personal growth and awareness. She holds a Master of Arts in Art Therapy from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College and additional graduate level counseling courses from IUPUI, University of Indianapolis, and Capella University. Her bachelor’s degree is in Psychology with minors in Studio Art, Sociology and Outdoor Recreation from Indiana University. Her clinical experience prior to private practice and starting her own Telehealth Online Counseling buisness includes experience in medical settings and cancer centers providing art therapy to persons suffering from life changing illnesses and related mental health stressors. In addition, she has experience working with children and families in a community mental health agency, both as art therapist and mental health counselor. She has been in a school-based setting and private counseling setting utilizing art therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, trauma focused and experiential techniques. Natasha is also an art therapy and counseling supervisor for graduate art therapy students or post degree professionals working toward their credentials.

My Location

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