Nicole Nemiroff
Nicole Nemiroff
(415) 484-9934
Nicole Nemiroff

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About Me

Congratulations on looking for a therapist. We all seek support for different reasons. I became a therapist because of my own searches in the depths of my soul. I believe that this is a lot of healing available for each of us. We can incur suffering in relationship, and, likewise, we can encounter healing in relationship, too.
I have degrees from UCLA and CIIS and I have ten years' experience working with adults one on one in their search for healing. I help people experiencing life transitions, grief, anxiety, depression and more. In the time of just one season you can see results. Please don't hesitate to reach out. I respond within 48 hours.
During this worldwide pandemic I am workin on a sliding scale so that I can offer support widely.

My Location

static image of 550 Water Street, Suite 1E, Santa Cruz, California
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