Rebecca Haney
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About Me
Life is all about the journey not the destination, so choose your path wisely. Many people live their lives day in and day out wishing time away to make it to their “destinations” (I’ll be happy when I’m....getting married, having kids, buying a house, going on a vacation, etc) when life is truly what is happening between the destinations.
Life is the boring stuff, life is the repetitive stuff, life is the hard stuff, life is the scary stuff. So then why are so many people rushing through the part of their existence that is LIFE?
I support and guide my clients in discovering the beauty and joy in living every single day. I help them create meaning and purpose in every little thing they do and every single day they wake up. This allows them to make the most of this one and only life they have. I empower my clients to look inward and find the confidence and skills they already possess and use them to take control of their own experience.
I am not the expert on your life, you are! I am simply a resource for you to seek out in order for you to rediscover your wealth of self-knowledge. Allow me to be your mirror that shows you the worthy person you truly are and the astonishing life you can possess.