Rikki Bobchin
Rikki Bobchin
(609) 538-9300
Rikki Bobchin

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About Me

Rikki Bobchin is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in the State of New Jersey and earned an MSW from Rutgers University in 1996. Rikki specializes in providing evidence-based treatment and has been successfully treating clients with Borderline Personality Disorder using a DBT approach since 1999. She established a comprehensive Dialectical Behavior Therapy program to provide all treatment modes to their full capacity. As the founder of the DBT Center of NJ, she has trained, supervised, and mentored her team. She provides training and consultation to DBT programs and community therapists in NJ. Rikki has also successfully adapted standard DBT in an intensive outpatient setting as a Clinical Director. She trains and supervises students, clinicians and hospital programs in evidence-based treatments to establish a standard of care in NJ. Rikki is the first private practitioner to fund and support a Family Connections Group that trains families, to help other families, at no cost. Rikki was a guest speaker on a Nationally Syndicated Blog Talk Radio Show-Your Mental Health, and has consulted with the documentary film director for the Re-Think BPD project. She is most recognized for her passion to provide evidenced-based treatment, dedication to the population she serves, and her radical genuineness.

Rikki’s areas of clinical focus include treating complex trauma, borderline personality disorder, anxiety and mood disorders, substance abuse, disordered eating, and in providing parent education. Rikki is a seasoned skills trainer who has structured and maintained multiple skills training groups a week for the past 15 years, including adult, young adult, adolescent, parent, and MBT group.

Rikki’s extensive DBT training includes completing the 5-day Advanced Intensive Training Course, and New Emotion Regulation Skills with the treatment developer Marsha Linehan, Ph.D., 10-day Intensive Training Course in DBT, Individual Psychotherapy and Skills Training in DBT, Treating the Multiply Disordered Suicidal Client, Treating Eating Disorders in DBT, DBT with Multi-Problem Adolescents, Skills Training Course, DBT Chain Analysis Training and DBT Validation Principles and Strategies, and Getting to the Heart of the Problem: Targeting, Assessing and Solving Problem Behaviors.

MBT training includes: intensive and advanced intensive training by Dr. Peter Fonagy and Anthony Bateman in Menatlization Based Treatment, (MBT-F) Menatlization Based Treatment for Families

My Location

static image of 134 Franklin Corner Road, Suite 201, Lawrence Township, New Jersey
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