Ryan Wetzler
Ryan Wetzler
(502) 822-1320
Ryan Wetzler

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About Me

Dr. Ryan Wetzler is a licensed psychologist who has been treating sleep disorders, with particular expertise in insomnia since 2002. He developed Louisvilleā€™s only comprehensive cognitive-behavioral treatment program for insomnia (CBT-I) in 2004. The outcomes of his treatment program were highlighted at the annual meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies meeting in 2009

CBT-I is now recognized by the American College of Physicians, the National Institutes of Health, and the American Academy of Sleep Medicine as the first-line treatment approach for chronic insomnia. He is board certified in the practice of Behavioral Sleep Medicine (2005) and Clinical Health Psychology (2011). He became a Diplomate of the Board of Behavioral Sleep Medicine in 2018. Dr. Wetzler remains active in several professional organizations with past roles including President-Kentucky Sleep Society, President-Society of Behavioral Sleep Medicine, Chair-Insomnia section of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, and Chair-American Academy of Sleep Medicine-Behavioral Sleep Medicine Course. He is currently a board member of the Kentucky Sleep Society. After working at a sleep disorders center for 14-years, he founded Sleep Health Center in 2018 to increase the availability of scientifically proven sleep and health psychology services. He has particular interest in the management of insomnia, circadian rhythm sleep disorders, parasomnias, headache, fibromyalgia, and cardiac conditions.

My Location

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