Sasha San Roman
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About Me
I have had a private practice located in the South Bay Area since 1997, where I see individuals, couples and families. Over the years I worked with hundreds of kids and families in various communities of the San Jose area.
My work began with highly at-risk clients of all ages. Over time, working with so many families so intensely has evolved and I have developed a set of tools, exercises to help support faster change. I have extensive experience with highly at-risk teenagers, victims, and perpetrators of crimes and domestic violence. I have seen quite a lot of teens and adults in individual, couples and family work In more recent years I have been primarily working with couples and families.
Special contracts at various times held with: Santa Clara County Office of Education/South East SELPA, Santa Clara County’s Juvenile Hall with domestic violence youth. I helped design and implement a school-based counseling program in Alum Rock, and headed up the crisis team for that district. Supervisor and Adjunct Faculty/ Instructor for Graduate School of Professional Psychology Masters in Psychology program Clinical Skills A: Self as Clinician class. Also co-directed their Expressive Arts Kid’s Camp in planning, coordinating and implementing every aspect of the camp, including the training process for the 20+ MFT trainees in JFKU’s MA program. The camp served 145 children from the community each Summer.
I have also spent over eight years in service (volunteering) at the Foundry High School running girls groups, some family therapy and coordinating an intensive self-defense training (Bay Area Model Mugging), and I was fortunate enough to be a mentor on their annual desert retreats for seven consecutive years. I learned a great deal about what it takes to make powerful changes in struggling families and gang youth from the leadership that was in place at that time.
A few other places of service…co-convener for Western Regional Association for Experiential Education participated in every aspect of planning, booking, coordinating, implementing their 12th Annual Western Regional Conference in Soquel, CA…Americorp’s City Year program serving as a Team Hero in their Young Heroes Program for several years…served as a committee member for BIC (Batterer’s Intervention Committee) that functions as a special interest in reforming aftercare services for families involved in domestic violence.