Scott Olds
Registered psychotherapist
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About Me
Scott provides couples counseling and individual counseling in Arvada (West Denver) and Boulder, Colorado. Specialties include couple's communication skills and work with anxiety, depression, illness, and grief. He also enjoys working with Highly Sensitive People (HSPs). Scott has 16 years of experience facilitating groups and individuals experiencing grief, chronic illness, and loss. After losing his first wife to ALS, he transformed his grief into action by guiding others to find happiness and meaning in their lives. Scott has worked with a broad spectrum of organizations in the metro-Denver area, including the ALS Association, Brain Injury Association of Colorado, Judi's House (family support for grief and loss), and Cornerstone Drug Rehab.
Scott currently serves as treasurer and board member of the Colorado Association of Psychotherapists. He has served the community as a board member in mental health organizations, including the Jeffco Family Support Network, Colorado Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health (FFCMH), and was the founding President of the Jefferson County affiliate of FFCMH. Scott also served on the advisory board of Jefferson County Mental Health Court and Foothills Behavioral Health Partners. He is a member of the Open Path Collective.
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