Sebastian Earl
Sebastian Earl
(415) 835-2148
Sebastian Earl

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About Me

My name is Sebastian Earl and I am a licensed psychotherapist (license # MFT 40124). I work with individuals, couples and families. I aim to provide an opportunity for people to grow and heal, in a safe, supportive, non-judgmental and nurturing environment.

I work primarily around self-acceptance, learning how to achieve intimacy and breaking free of conditioning. My experience is that this work helps to heal trauma/ PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder), depression, low self-esteem, addictions (alcohol/drugs/sex) and anxiety. I do this work with individuals, couples, families and adolescents. My approach is holistic, meaning that I work with the mind, body and spirit.

I also welcome those who simply want the added flexibility good therapy can achieve, enabling them to live fuller, richer, happier lives.

My Location

static image of 1944 Fillmore Street, San Francisco, California
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