Siobhan Masterson
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About Me
For more than 25 years I’ve been helping people heal from traumatic experiences, anxiety, helping clients learn how to thrive during life transitions and supporting teens and their parents through a range of challenges.
I continue to learn new skills every year in order to support your growth more effectively and I love the work I do.
I’m certified in EMDR and find it incredibly effective. I also was recently certified in the stress management and residency training model (SMART) from the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind-Body Medicine, a wonderful compilation of the most effective ways to reduce stress.
I have a long career of also working with children and teens, but currently I work more with adults. I also have worked for three decades specializing in complex trauma and anxiety and continue to focus on this area of recovery.
During COVID-19 I have therapy sessions on a privacy protected video platform and it’s working. Even EMDR can be done online!
To learn more about me check out www.playishealing.com.
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