Tanner Edwards
Tanner Edwards
(913) 745-7097
Tanner Edwards

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About Me

I offer a therapy called Radically Open DBT (RO-DBT). It's a specialty treatment for people with excessive control - introverts, perfectionists, worriers, brooders, and the notably stubborn. When self-control is over-expressed, people struggle to authentically connect to others, effectively relax and recover, and cultivate openness to new information and ways of behaving that might make them happier in the long run. The following are associated with over-control: chronic anxiety, significant depression, anorexia nervosa, OCD, and social isolation.

Radically Open DBT is a program built on 20 years of research. It comes with guiding materials covering topics like: relaxing the body’s nervous system, approaching feared situations, using body language to join others, enhancing self-awareness, and expressing thoughts, emotions, and needs to others.

My role is much like an ambassador, welcoming self-critical clients back to the human tribe. RO-DBT therapists offer warmth and humanize their clients’ experience, while also providing evidence-based advice. Please feel invited to contact me for more information or to see if you might be a good fit for this treatment.

My Location

static image of 4010 Washington Street, Suite 535, Kansas City, Missouri
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