Tatyana Tsenter
Tatyana Tsenter
(732) 272-4141
Tatyana Tsenter

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About Me

Angry? Fearful and tense? Are you waiting for other shoe to drop? Too sensitive? I am a Transformative therapist and a Success coach. I have 17 years of experience of working with those who want to upgrade their life's quality. Let me help you to turn to direction of Psychological and Physical Health, Peace of Mind, Positivity, Love and Prosperity. We are only as big as the dream we dare to live. Let me help you. So you will see progress with every session. Text or call to 732-272-4141.

I love people and able to see the best in them. I teach self love. My Non Judgmental approach will bring you to Self-Acceptance, Self-Understanding, Self-Respect and Self-Love. Believer in Mind-Body connection, I incorporate Holistic (medication-free) method into my counseling. Teach meditation.

My clients testimonies: "... Just after a few sessions with you I finally began to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Could have not done it without you..." age:39, "To come to see you, Tatyana, was one of my best life decisions. Thank you!" age 56.

My Location

static image of 203 U.S. 9, Suite 2E, Manalapan Township, New Jersey
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