Valerie Akerson
Valerie Akerson
(314) 375-6235
Valerie Akerson

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About Me

Valerie Akerson, MSW, LCSW has spent her social work career in a hospital setting. For the past ten years, her focus has been on maternal mental health; specifically working with women with high risk pregnancies due to a congenital anomaly identified in their baby during pregnancy. Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders are her focus, along with postpartum PTSD and Birth Trauma.

Valerie is a Heartland PMAD Approved Provider and utilizes mindfulness and distraction techniques as a way to focus on self-care and empowerment. Valerie uses a strengths based approach to assist in coping with these challenges and in turn improving their life and ability to cope with future stressors.

My Location

static image of 1034 South Brentwood Boulevard, Suite 555, Richmond Heights, Missouri
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